The Divine and the Bottom Line is going on hiatus. For some time I have been interested in the relationship between science and spirituality. Indeed it is in the intersection between quantum physics and quantum spirituality where I think the real excitement lies. And so discovering the Evolutionary movement truly inspired me.

I think it has the potential to become the next great world religion. Except in this instance the wisdom teacher is not a Jesus, a Buddha or Mohammed - it is the universe itself and its' evolutionary arc as described and documented by scientists and interpreted by scientists, philosophers and theologians.

Leading Evolutionary Christian theologian Rev. Bruce Sanguin suggests that this new theology requires us to: wake up, grow up and step up. Wake up - become conscious and connect with Source. Grow up - because this is not a God that intervenes. Did not for six million Jews and will not for us. If we trash this planet we are toast. Step up - meditation is necessary but not an end in and of itself. Get out there and get involved.

And so I am calling this documentary - A God for Grown-Ups.


We are:

Fiona Fallon is a seasoned journalist who has produced documentaries for W5, Canada's oldest current affairs programme; an international environment series and current affairs series for Worldwide Television News based in the UK; and videos for United Nation's organizations and various NGOs. While in the UK, she ran a one man bureau for Dow Jones and interviewed top CEOs and CFOs including Richard Branson, Anita Roddick and Dominic Cadbury. Since returning to Canada, she has pursued her interest in how the world we believe in affects the world we create through our companies by founding The Divine and the Bottom Line Entrepreneur Network.

A God for Grown-Ups is the title of a documentary, potential series and a website currently under construction. A group of inspired grown-ups are currently donating their time and talent to make this happen and evolving into a team.

Contact us at info@thedivineandthebottomline.com